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Chiropractic Consultation and Evaluation

Your initial visit will consist of a consultation and examination with the doctor. The purpose if this visit is for you to discuss your health concerns and goals and help you in determining if chiropractic is the best for your condition. A spinal examination will allow the doctor to exam the condition of your spine and nervous system. If necessary the doctor could take x-rays to see the structure of your spine and aid in treatment options.

Report of Findings     

After your consultation and examination the doctor will review with you the results of your exam and any x-ray images taken. The purpose of the report of findings is to:

  • Better help you understand your condition

  • Discuss if chiropractic is a good treatment option

  • Go over what it will take to get you feeling better

  • Review the cost of care


Corrective Care

This is where most patients begin their chiropractic journey. Your doctor will create a care plan to address your condition. The goal of this care plan is to start reducing pain and mange your symptoms. In addition we aim to make long-term structural correction to your spine. By correcting any structural abnormalities we find reduces the likelihood of any reoccurrences.

Wellness Care

Our office highly encourages wellness adjustments, or as we like to call it maintenance care. After corrective care you have the option to continue with maintenance care. This helps you maintain your corrective gains and keeps your spine in optimal health!

“Look well to the spine for the cause of disease.” - Hippocrates.

© 2023 ADIO Chiropractic

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